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Usefull Prompts

The most mind-blowing, out-of-the-box prompts that show off the power of ChatGPT?

  • What are the absolute coolest, most mind-blowing, out-of-the-box, ChatGPT prompts that will really show off the power of ChatGPT? Give me 10. Focus the prompts around making money and growing wealth.
  • What are the absolute coolest, most mind-blowing, out-of-the-box, Google Bard prompts that will really show off the power of Google Bard? Give me 10. Focus the prompts around making money and growing wealth.
  • What are the absolute coolest, most mind-blowing, out-of-the-box, Stable Diffusion prompts that will really show off the power of Stable Diffusion? Give me 10. Focus the prompts around photo-realistic portrait photography.
  • Now provide 30 more ideas that are the absolute coolest, most mind-blowing, out-of-the-box, lead generator ideas that really show off the power of ChatGPT. Ideas can include but are not limited to: videos, Notion templates, demos, mini-courses, ChatGPT prompt collections, Excel templates, scripts, resident event ideas, partnerships or collaboration ideas and whatever else you can think of.

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